Friday, October 19, 2007

Grandma Judy and Baby Miles

My mom came down to Dallas for two weeks when Miles was born. We would not have survived without her help. She did everything for us which was great since I had a C-section. After all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, driving me to the doctors appts, and decision making of rearranging some cabinets, Joe still can't find some of his things. :)
Miles has no idea how organized he's going to be when he's older after a weekend at grandma's house - just like his cousin Noah.
Thank you Mom!

Joe, all of your 100+ triathlon t-shirts are now over at the neighbors house in their spare bedroom closet! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you know, you COULD always use the old triatholon tees as extra handy spit up towels, never to be without a quick towel, just in case, so you MAY want to reconsider the placement of the tees back to your place- they very might well be very handy things after all :0)