Saturday, September 29, 2007

Miles and Harvey

Traci gave Harvey an opportunity to show off his brotherly love to Miles.

So far, the dogs have been inquisitive as to Miles' existence. At first, it seemed as if they regarded him as a new squeaky toy, but they have settled down to a supportive role. When he cries, both Walter and Harvey are attentive. When he is sleeping, they come over and try to wash his feet.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Traci and Miles

Traci and miles relaxing in the rocker.

First Bath

Hi All:

So Miles had his first bath the other day. We were preparing for the worst as we have heard that that babies really scream a lot when first introduced to water.
Well, Miles was very calm in the water, and actually stayed in place long enough for me to give him a mohawk.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Miles seems to be changing daily. He still has blondish brown hair and blue eyes, but his nose and cheeks look like traci when she was a baby.

last night was a good night- he woke up only twice, so we were able to get about four hours sleep.

Friday, September 21, 2007


I picked out a humorous photo for today. I thought that he looked like Rocky Balboa in this photo, with his fist pumped in the air after winning a boxing match.

He definitely is a strong baby so far, we put him on our stomachs and watch him try to crawl around with his legs. He also has developed an apetite, feeding almost every 2-3 hours. whew!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Hi all:

We have been taking as many naps as possible lately. Miles has been sleeping about 2 hours every night, so its a little hard to catch up on sleep and function at a normal level.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Feed Zone

Traci's parents were here to see Miles come into the world. Her dad left after the weekend, but Judy is here and has been whipping us into parental shape. We have learned much about how to care for Miles from her- I confess that my burp technique has come light years from last week's try.

So far Miles has been sleeping about 20 hours a day, which has not been leaving much room to get acquainted much.

Usually its at 3am or so when his eyes are wide open, and he stares at me in the low light while we try to down another bottle and burp up any air that may make its way down the lungs. His little gasps, gurgles and coos are enough to make even the hardest heart melt.

Traci is very lucky to be able to see him during the day. Today was peed on for the first time while trying to change his diaper. In fact, he was able to hit both Traci and Judy, total humor!

Monday, September 10, 2007

new kid in town

heres the first photo of miles. he is about two hours old ;o)

pre-delivery photo

So I was fooling around with the hair net before delivery- I was trying to create a 'conehead'.

thought I'd share some humor.

We were very nervous for the delivery since we didn't know truly what to expect. Once there, I watched the whole operation with interest. Traci and I saw Miles for the first time and didn't know what to say as reality sunk in. He was precious.

1st post- welcoming miles

hi all-

Welcome to the home of MPG- Miles Prescott Grover!
Yes, its our first child, and we are very proud.

Miles was born on september 4th, 2007 at 7:58 a.m in Plano, Texas. He weighed in at 8 lbs 8oz. and measured 20 3/4 inches long- a big baby. Traci had some trouble carrying him through the hot texas summer and ended up taking a few months off work to stay off her feet and rest her back.

I created this blog because I thought that it would be a great idea to have a chronological sense to Miles' life. This would be able to share with family and friends not only the big moments and milestones, but also the small things that he does day in and day out- that make us cherish him.

who knows- maybe someday he will want to read this and and the comments you leave for him/us.